You have just purchased TVPaint Animation and don't know where to begin?

Here are resources to help you get off to a good start: you will be creating your most beautiful animations in no time!

Getting started with TVPaint

First and foremost, the basics: watch those 4 tutorials to create your first animations!

Advanced features

You already know the basics? That's great!

But do you also have good command of those more advanced but essential tools?

Watch the 2 tutorials below to optimize your animation workflow!


You prefer reading than watching videos?

Access our full user guide

Want to keep learning?

See you on our YouTube channel

Connor Bland

Would you like personalized support? Contact us !

Learn how to use TVPaint

You want to learn TVPaint from experienced animators?

Check out our partners' training courses

Kilian Vilim
Kilian Vilim

Join our community

Don't hesitate to mingle with other animators from the TVPaint community: you will learn a lot by participating in our official TVPaint Forum!

The TVPaint Masterclass label

Because all of our tutorials, training and demo contents allow you to perfect your use of TVPaint Animation, and are provided by professional animators, we're launching the TVPaint Masterclass label.

A way of identifying all our ressources dedicated to the good use of our artistic tool.

The TVPaint Masterclass label helps you making sure you are referring to approved and verified contents, which will allow you to express all your artistic potential through the mastery of TVPaint Animation.

TVPaint Masterclass