TVPaint 新闻
别错过我们的最新消息:我们的更新和发布、TVPaint Développement项目以及我们参与业界活动的消息。
Holiday slowdown
Some slowness is to be expected
New update: TVPaint Animation 12.0.2
Update TVPaint Animation 12, free for all TVPaint 12 users.
TVPaint animation 12 is OUT!
The long wait is finally over, we are happy to announce that TVPaint 12 is OUT !
TVPaint is as good as new!
Along with the launch of TVPaint Animation 12, TVPaint has a new logo and a new visual identity.
NEW: PayPal pay in 4
You can now purchase TVPaint Animation in 4 installments!
TVPaint Studio
Did you know that now we produce our own animations?