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What's new in TVPaint 12

Discover the new features of TVPaint Animation 12 !

Zack Lydon TVPaint Animation 12

TVPaint Animation 12 is out!

​TVPaint Animation 12 is packed with new features enhancing the frame by frame animation process and allowing the creation of puppets for the first time in TVPaint!

  • Our new Modular Interface allows you to move out each panel from the program's main window. Take advantage of your mutli-screens setup!
Nouvelle interface TVPaint Animation 12
  • ​Put your layers into Layer Folders and organize your projects.
Layer Folder TVPaint Animation 12
  • ​Numerous tools have been either completely reworked or improved: a Sharpening Algorithm is now applied to transformations to preserve the quality of your drawings, a new Dual Papers system allows you to create unique Multitextured Brushes, a new Selection Brush tool has been added and the Image Library has been updated.
  • A revamped, key-based 2D Camera was developed: add movement to your animations with ease and fine-tune your Camera's time profile directly on TVPaint's Timeline!
New Caméra TVPaint Animation 12
  • ​​Our new Bitmap Rigging engine makes it possible to make puppets for the first time in TVPaint. Use it to create in-betweens automatically and save a lot of time.
Rigging Bitmap TVPaint Animation 12
  • ​The TVPaint Converter has been updated and a new client-server version developed.

​For more information, please consult our documentation, go to our online shop or contact our support team!


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